Jihye Son
Five years ago, when I changed my major from accounting to architecture, everyone questioned and doubted my decision. “You are too old.” “You have to do what you can do, not what you want to do.” “You will give up.” Even I doubted myself. Comparing myself to others, there was a time when I fell, stumbled down, and wanted to give up but I kept trying and pushing myself to show myself that I was not wrong. I would have never made this far without supportive critiques, professors, family, and most importantly my studio mates who have been my great supporters, motivators, and competitors. Since my love and hate relationship with the studio is over, I will sometimes miss being in the studio, spending hours and hours finishing up the works with cans of red bull, cups of coffee, bowls of chicken over rice, and noisy studio mates. HCAD not only helped me grow as a designer, but also as a confident, positive, and stronger individual. Peace out! LinkedIn, Instagram