Brian Witney
Brian Witney
The inspiration to pursue a career in architecture came at Manhattan College where the professor would guide foot tours of city architecture rather than classroom lectures; the midterm exam was held at the Grand Central Terminal. This led me to the Bergen Community College drafting program, earning an Associate’s degree in Applied Science and CAD certification before arriving at NJIT. My understanding of architecture radically transformed in my first year, while the third year was the most transformational as a designer. With a Masonry Contractors of NJ scholarship, I had the opportunity to join the Siena Studio study abroad program and see many studied designs. I enjoyed opportunities to design a horse culture museum, an airport terminal, affordable housing, and the Four Freedoms Foundation in Kahn’s monument park. Some of my favorite times were with my Alpha Rho Chi brothers at our college and with AIAS friends attending conferences and firm tours. Facebook, Instagram