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J. Robert and Barbara A. Hillier College of Architecture and Design
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An Engineer and an Architectural Historian Win the 2021 Excellence in Research Awards
Thursday, October 7, 2021
Nirwan Ansari, an electrical and computer engineer who is a pioneer in the field of communications networks, and Gabrielle Esperdy, an architectural historian and trailblazer in the digital humanities, are the winners of the Board of Overseers...
Digital Archive of Newark Architecture Goes AR
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
There is nothing outwardly special about the old brick building on State Street and Broadway. To the layperson, it’s just another pile of bricks near a highway entrance.
Bryan C. Lee Jr. '08 Named 2021 Cooper Hewitt Emerging Designer
Friday, September 24, 2021
Bryan Lee ‘08 and his firm Colloqate have been dismantling systemic racism in the broader social arena and in the practice of architecture for some time now.
NJIT Tops NJ Public Universities for Early-Career Salaries, Ranks 14 Nationwide
Thursday, September 16, 2021
New Jersey Institute of Technology ranked No.
NJIT Architecture Teams Win Princeton Sukkah Design Contest
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Jose Merino’s hands may never be this callused again.
NJIT Climbs the Rankings of U.S. News & World Report, A Top 50 Public University
Monday, September 13, 2021
– No. 103 among National Universities, up 15 spots from last year
NJIT is an International 'Best Maker School' in Inaugural List by Make: and Newsweek
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
New Jersey Institute of Technology is in rarified air as it has been recognized as one of 200 colleges and universities named a Best Maker School in Higher Education by...
US DOE Funds NJIT/BASF 'Opportunistic Retrofitting' Sustainability Project
Monday, August 23, 2021
A partnership between NJIT’s Center for Building Knowledge and BASF’s Center for Building Excellence to develop sustainable home retrofit materials continues to bear fruit. Their project, “Renew-Wall,” is one of 44 across 20 states that will...
Undergraduate Research and Innovation on Display at NJIT Symposium
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Countless hours of research and preparation were on display at the Undergraduate Summer Research and Innovation (URI) Symposium as 134 students presented 108 projects to a group of peers, NJIT faculty and URI External Advisory Board members.
Newark Community Museum Unveiled With Help From NJIT
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
The Newark Community Museum will stand at a flashpoint in history – the infamous police precinct where a rebellion began.