Excellence in Design Awards
Excellence in Design Awards
School of Architecture Excellence in Design Awards
Awarded for design excellence to the student with the best studio project(s).
First Year Undergraduate Excellence in Design
2014 Recipients: Chit Yee Ng, Kanisha Patel
Second Year Undergraduate Excellence in Design
2014 Recipient: Jennifer Brozozoski
2014 Honorable Mention: Frank DeBlasio
Third Year Undergraduate Excellence in Design
2012 Recipients: Alexander Cutrona, Nathanael Roberts
2012 Honorable Mentions: Grace Dong, Paolo Coticelli
Options Undergraduate Excellence in Design
2014 Recipient: Kevin Mcilmail
2014 Honorable Mention: Lizza Medina
Comprehensive Undergraduate Excellence in Design
2014 Recipient: Albina Gode
2014 Honorable Mentions: Monali Patel, Shixa Patel
Comprehensive Undergraduate Fifth Year Excellence in Design
2014 Recipients: Katherine Isidro, Elizabeth Opper, Stephen Staronka
2014 Honorable Mentions: Gabriel Canizo, Adam Morgan, Milena Popow, Michael Signorile
First Year Graduate Excellence in Design
2014 Recipient: John Vogt
Second Year Graduate Excellence in Design
2014 Recipient: Michael Filomeno
Comprehensive Graduate Excellence in Design
2014 Recipient: Ruben Petrela
MIP Excellence in Design
2014 Recipients: James Giresi
School of Art + Design Excellence in Design Awards
Awarded for design excellence to the student with the best design project(s).
School of Art + Design Senior Designer of Distinction Awards
Awarded to the student who has created the best design project(s) in the senior year of each program.
2014 Recipients:
Digital Design -- Brandon Simms
Industrial Design -- Dane Hagen
Interior Design -- Nora Gharib
Foundation Year Excellence in Design
2014 Recipient: Henry Drago
2014 Honorable Mentions: Nahin Shah, Dakshita Supawala
Second Year Excellence in Design - Digital Design
2012 Recipient: Amos Dudley
Third Year Excellence in Design - Digital Design
2014 Recipient: Amanda Cronce
Second Year Excellence in Design - Industrial Design
2014 Recipient: Malorie Pangilinan
Third Year Excellence in Design - Industrial Design
2014 Recipient: Gretchen Von Koenig
Second Year Excellence in Design - Interior Design2014 Recipient: Maria Romo
Third Year Excellence in Design - Interior Design
2014 Recipient: Katarzyna Cyrulik